Session Recaps
Find recaps of all our sessions here, in order from most recent to oldest.
Session #6 Recap
The human spellcaster steps back from the campfire, shifting his hands and muttering something under his breath as three illusory figures of himself appear around him. Shouldering Rissa aside, Hrothgar charge into the midst of the action. He swings his greataxe at the blue-haired female (“Blue Hair”) but misses. He grunts and raises his…
Session #5 Recap
Shortly after the adventurers settle down to rest, Sister Poppy, who volunteered to keep watch, notices an orc emerge from the ranch outhouse. She examines the situation and assesses her options, but determines she cannot effectively attack the orc and allows it to pass to the cellar. As they wake up and regroup, Sister…
Session #4 Recap
The party leaves Phandalin and sets out for Butterskull Ranch to assess the damage of a recent orc attack and provide their help if possible. After roughly a day and a half, the adventurers reach Conyberry, an abandoned and desolate town. On the outskirts of town, Rakhi alerts Rissa to the presence of several horses…